Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 7: Last Minute Tweaks

Were in the last week to work and we are getting everything done.  Right now is 2 hours before presentation and we have the game done, it is just a matter of completing the non game related assignments.  That said, lets get down to what was accomplished.

Over this week I took care of the cutscene issues.  A slight coding issue fixed the looping in the .swf file but the vanishing hud/character was a bit trickier.  Of all things, it was because the the pictures in the file weren't objects/png files.  As soon as that was changed, everything worked and the cutscenes were cranked out. 

As for the traps, we ended up just making it so the glasses could detect them without any ability to disable them.  This bypassed any issue from that while making the game a bit harder overall.  With those completed we finished up all residual assignments and had things done by wednesday night.

This will be my last post in the Applied Development section.  Next semester I will be starting into Senior Project.  For any future developments, search there.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 6: The Final Wrap

This week we were trying to finish up all of our work so we can start cooking the finished version next week.  I was able to get the glasses implemented in all the levels but I ran across an issue.  In order to give the option to disable them, it created an issue where if one got disabled, they all did.  This is quite the issue and I'm not 100% sure how to fix it.

That said I also put ladder volumes in all levels that needed it, completed the last weapon or two for the last boss, and that pretty much completed all of my tasks from the start.  I also took on this week some of the cutscenes.  I was to get the base for them set up so that we could just plug and play next week and crank them all out quickly.  I also had a slight issue with this.  The first was the .swf file would just repeat the test over and over.  I'm sure this issue is something syntaxual.  What I'm not sure on is the fact that the file won't play in udk, the screen just loses the player on the hud.  Otherwise though, I am pretty much done and going into next week will just be to wrap up the last couple odds and ends before the final project is cooked.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 5: Nearing the End of my Work

This is the end of week 5 and the good news is, most of my work is complete.  I have updated our core copy of map 1 with all of the tutorials, ammo/health pick ups and have started preliminary work on getting level transitions working.  I have also done the basic work on the gun code.  The only things I still need to do is work on the remaining levels as they finish to get the ladder volumes/glasses implemented and to see if I can bind the gun into the stealth detection.  I still have planned for tomorrow to try and wrap up a last issue or two, and to take a look at the cinematics to see if I can get work started on those.

I've had no real problems this week.  The only things will be to see how to call kismet in code/the other way around for the gun to work but worse case scenario, we can work around this by making the gun fire slower or for less damage to offset the lack of other drawbacks.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Week 4: Heavy Progress

Map one is almost complete and we only need a couple more things added in.  Among them are what I've been doing.  I have accomplished 3 main things this week.  The first was getting the tutorials fully working.  They now accept mouse input and can be passed at will by clicking next.  The biggest thing I did was work on the glasses and get them mostly done.  With help from my professor to get the logic thought out, I have implemented it mostly.  I have a timer bar pop up to show how long is left.  The button press works also.  The only thing that doesn't work is the light doesn't want to turn on for the trap via matinee.  This will require some assistance from either my professor or a group member to complete it.  The final thing I managed was to get the item pick ups coded as needed.  The pickup models aren't in yet, but they are coded so placeholder models are still in place.

This should have the majority of my work done leaving only finishing touches on the items mentioned above and the coding on the gun to make sure it works.  Otherwise I also may get around to the hookshot type item at this point but there is no guarantee, it depends how well it can be implemented.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 3: A continuation

Week 3 ended up having a delayed class so our next assignments weren't passed around until just this past Friday.  For this week I was to finish up the tutorials by getting a button push to progress the tutorials and to get the glasses implemented into the game in a workable format.  For the tutorial I did some looking around but have been unable to find a way to get a new button press doing a unique action in game. So Monday I will be working alongside the person doing the HUD to get a button hopefully implemented that will let the scene cancel.

As for the glasses, I am having a bit of a difficult time working how exactly they will work.  From what I can tell, their effect will be in Kismet, the energy interaction will be in unrealscript and the toggle will be in script.  In it's current form, there is a variable set up that toggles when you press "Q", then a check is called whenever the HUD is drawn that should cause the glasses to loop constantly using up or regenerating energy.  From here, I will need to set up triggers in map 2 and 3 where traps will be and to make sure that these interactions are done properly, most likely using a matinee event.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 2: Back on track

Week one ended up being fairly uneventful so in week two we started fixing bugs that other people have spotted in our game and to get to work on new material.  For this week, I had to implement the tutorials in game as well as edit and fix some weapon related complaint.  For the tutorials, things went pretty well.  They are more or less completed but I ran across an issue that will need some work.  Currently, they are on a timer before they vanish and the ideal situation will be to pause the game until a keystroke like "enter" is pressed.  Aside from that, they are in and working.

As for the weapons, the testers had a few qualms such as weapon firing too slow and such.  I went into the code and I sped up the crossbow to fire a bit quicker, slowed down the knife so the attack animation matches up properly with it, and I removed the knock back from the weapons so we didn't have as many issues with people falling off the map/killing themselves.

I managed to take care of the above stuff fairly quickly so I also got a head start on a few other things.  I designed two specific enemy weapons that will go with our basic enemies and I also designed the first boss weapon from a code perspective.  Models still need to be done but the code is now there.  I have also started to get work one on the glasses that will allow the player to detect traps.  I also found a crosshair code online but I couldn't implement it fully at this point.

All told, this week has been fairly productive in regards to how much was done and if I can keep up this pace, I should be able to help out on other peoples work if needed or to work on the grappling hook we might implement.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week 1: A New Session

Classes have started up again and things are diving back in straight away.  This week, because we had class later and didn't quite get direction, we have finished up what is needed to go into testing in the following weeks.  We also started doing the statement of work going into this next development period.

Now, one of the biggest changes were doing is lowering the overall amount were doing.  We cut out an item or two, some items, simplified maps, etc.  Even as reduced as things are, we may be over worked trying to do everything.  That said though, the core of the game is intact and almost everything that will make it the game were aiming for is still present.