Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week 1 - The High Concept

This is the first post in a series of 16 that will be documenting progress through the midterm project at DeVry University.  This is week one and as such we are only just getting started.  We have an idea set down and the basic gameplay thought out but we are still working on getting things set up.  Due to be turned in is the High Concept which is mostly a rough overview of the entire game.  Everyone is excited about the project though and we have been getting ahead of ourselves with ideas.

The idea we have is a steampunk universe where you play a mercenary character specializing in stealing and killing jobs.  Discovering a nefarious plot, he has to save the city lest his life style be ruined by events.  The game will be a short, 3 level series which unravels the story and lets you use a series of unique and creative items to get through each level.

Now, this is only week one so we haven't had any issues yet.  Group has started up nicely.  Everyone traded information and we settled on an idea very quickly.  In the future though I see a couple issues.  One is cutscenes.  We'd like to incorporate a few and it may be difficult for our modelers to get our models mouths to move.  We also have a light system used in stealth that could prove problematic.  The only other thing I see us having potential issue with is some mechanics that might include things like teleporting.

That's all for this week.  I'll be on again next week with updates on the Game Design Document and further ideas we are looking at.

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