Saturday, November 19, 2011

Week 4 - Light Detection

Last week I was unable to finish the light detection and so that has continued into this week.  Also, as soon as I can finish it, I'll also be starting work on ladder volumes in our first level.  That said, I've made progress towards completing the code.  With the help of my teacher I've changed how I'm going about it.  Instead of running a line of sight algorithm, I'm putting a hit box on the light and running a check to see when the character crosses the beam.  That said, the amount of levels of light detection will likely be dropped back to only a yes or no.  I've been having difficulties getting a spotlight to register anything and every example I've seen used a point light.  That means there is no easy way to have multiple hit boxes running within the light.  Not to mention I would most likely need a secondary light object to run a second hit box.

As per the past big, we also have no issues within the group.  Everyone was continuing their sections from last week so we should have a lot done come this week.  That's it for this week and come next week level 1 will be fully climbable.

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