Thursday, November 24, 2011

Week 5 - Ladder Volumes

Well, last week was a serious pain.  The light detection seemed like it was almost complete but due to a minor last minute error things didn't work.  In essence, the code wasn't handshaking properly with everything else meaning my code wasn't getting called.  This lead to a whole load of other issues and resulted in this past Monday/Tuesday working things through with my professor to get things done.  The good news is that a valid method has shown itself so by next week, things should be done with the light detection no matter what.  For the time being, I'm focusing on the ladder volumes and kismet triggers.

With the map I have, the ladder volumes have been fairly easy.  We don't have very much to do in the first map to enable to character to climb everything, so I actually have the ladders almost done.  Just a last minute bit of tweaking.  The only issue I'm having with them is that the player can fall of the sides sometimes on some of the smaller gaps.  This just needs a blocking volume that either myself or Vince will be putting in.  As for the triggers, they all need to go into a part of the level that we haven't designed yet.  It will involve a cutscene/enemy spawn trigger and a trigger to let the character unlock doors.  Both should be fairly straight forward and can't be fully done at this time.

All told, this week hasn't been so bad and it's been a huge relief knowing that the light detection is being taken care of.  By the end of this week, I should have half of my work for this done in about half the time meaning I'm still on track for getting everything accomplished.  As for the rest of the group, the HUD/menu's seem to be done/almost there.  The first level is only missing the end section and the challenge parts for items we haven't yet done/are finishing.  It also needs textures put in.  AI is almost done last I heard and hopefully the weapons are nearing completion.  Best of all though is our main character is almost done and ready to be used.

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