Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 2: Back on track

Week one ended up being fairly uneventful so in week two we started fixing bugs that other people have spotted in our game and to get to work on new material.  For this week, I had to implement the tutorials in game as well as edit and fix some weapon related complaint.  For the tutorials, things went pretty well.  They are more or less completed but I ran across an issue that will need some work.  Currently, they are on a timer before they vanish and the ideal situation will be to pause the game until a keystroke like "enter" is pressed.  Aside from that, they are in and working.

As for the weapons, the testers had a few qualms such as weapon firing too slow and such.  I went into the code and I sped up the crossbow to fire a bit quicker, slowed down the knife so the attack animation matches up properly with it, and I removed the knock back from the weapons so we didn't have as many issues with people falling off the map/killing themselves.

I managed to take care of the above stuff fairly quickly so I also got a head start on a few other things.  I designed two specific enemy weapons that will go with our basic enemies and I also designed the first boss weapon from a code perspective.  Models still need to be done but the code is now there.  I have also started to get work one on the glasses that will allow the player to detect traps.  I also found a crosshair code online but I couldn't implement it fully at this point.

All told, this week has been fairly productive in regards to how much was done and if I can keep up this pace, I should be able to help out on other peoples work if needed or to work on the grappling hook we might implement.

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